A collection of open access articles by notable and international scholars of Syria studies affiliated with the Centre for Syrian Studies.
Pastoralism: Adaptation and Optimization – 1973
Leaders, land, and limousines: emir versus sheikh – 1977
Integrating Participation into Research and Consultancy: A Conservation Example from Arabia – 2000
Assumptions of degradation and misuse: the Bedouin in the Syrian Badia – 2006
The Bedouin in Contemporary Syria: The Persistence of Tribal Authority and Control – 2010
Marwa Daoudy with Phillips, D., Mc Caffrey, S., Öjendal, J. and Turton, A.R.. Transboundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and Broader Benefit-Sharing . Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI)., 2006.
Marwa Daoudy. Le partage des eaux entre la Syrie, la Turquie et l’Irak: négociation, sécurité et asymétrie des pouvoirs. Paris (France): CNRS-Editions, 2005.
Marwa Daoudy. “Asymmetric Power: Negotiating Water in the Euphrates and Tigris .” International Negotiation 14 (2009): 361-391.
Marwa Daoudy. “Hydro-Hegemony and International Water Law: Laying Claims to Water Rights .” Water Policy 10.2 (2008): 89-102..
Marwa Daoudy. “A Missed Chance for Peace: Syria and Israel’s Negotiations over the Golan Heights.” Journal of International Affairs 61.2 (2008): 215-234.
Marwa Daoudy. “Benefit Sharing as a Tool for Conflict Transformation: Applying the Inter-SEDE Model to the Euphrates and Tigris.” The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 2.2 (2007): 26-32..
Marwa Daoudy. “Beyond Conflict? The Securitization of Water in Syrian-Turkish Relations.” Turkey-Syria Relations: Between Enmity and Amity. Ed. Hinnebusch and Tur. London: Ashgate Publishers, 2013: 133-145
Marwa Daoudy. “The Geopolitics of Water in the Middle East: Turkey as a Regional Power .” The Currents of Power: Water and the New World Order. Ed. Tvedt, Hagen & Chapman. London. : IB. Tauris, 2010: 395-418.
Marwa Daoudy. “State-(Re)Building.” Lexicon on Post-Conflict and Peace-Building. Ed. Chetail. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009: 350-359.
Marwa Daoudy. “Syria and Turkey in Water Diplomacy (1962-2003).” Water in the Middle East and North Africa: Resources, Protection and Management. Ed. Zereini, F. & Jaeschke, W.. Heidelberg: Springer., 2004: 319-332.
Marwa Daoudy. “Sectarianism in Syria: Myths and Reality.” Open Democracy 22 Jul. 2013
Marwa Daoudy. “Syria: The Regime’s War of Attrition.” Al Jazeera online 12 Aug. 2011
Marwa Daoudy. “Bridges over water: Understanding Transboundary Water Conflict, Negotiation and Cooperation by Dinar, Dinar, McCaffrey and McKinney.” Natural Resources Forum 33.1 (2009): 94-95. .
Syria’s Perilous Arab Spring (2013) in United Nations Association of the United Kingdom (UNA-UK), After the Arab Spring: Reconstruction and State-Building, pp.62-66. .
“Syria: Revolution and Repression” (October 2011), Conservative Middle East Council (CMEC), The Arab Spring, Implications for British Policy, pp. 20-23..
Syria at A Crossroads (2011). The World Today, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, pp. 29-31..
La quatrième frontière ou l’objectif stratégique de la guerre de Gaza (2009). Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS), Paris.
La guerre du Liban, conséquences régionales et internationales (2006) in Lettre du CERMAM, Dossier, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Monde Arabe et Méditerranéen, Geneva, Switzerland..
Le long chemin de Damas, la Syrie et les négociations de paix avec Israël (2005). Les Etudes du CERI, Etude No. 119, Sciences Po-CNRS, Paris.
Local Politics in Syria: Organization and Mobilization in Four Village Cases – 1976Rural Politics in Baathist Syria: a case study in the role of the countryside in the political development of Arab societies – 1977
Syria Under the Bath: State Formation in a Fragmented. Society – 1982
Pax-Syriana?: The Origins, Causes and Consequences of Syria’s Role in Lebanon – 1988
Bureaucracy and Development in Syria: The Case of Agriculture – 1989
State & Civil Society in Syria – 1993
ASAD’S SYRIA AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER: The Struggle for Regime Survival – 1993
The Political Economy of Economic Liberalization in Syria – 1995
Syria: the politics of economic liberalisation – 1997
The Foreign Policies of Middle East States: Introduction: The Analytical Framework – 2002
Syria after the Iraq War: between the neo-con offensive and internal reform – 2004
Resisting American Hegemony: the Case of Syria – 2005
Contrary Siblings: Syria, Jordan and the Iraq War – (with Neil Quilliam) – 2006
Défier l’hégémonie américaine : la diplomatie syrienne de l’Irak au Liban – 2007
The American Invasion of Iraq: Causes & Consequences – 2007
The US Invasion of Iraq: Explanations and Implications – 2007
The Syrian-Iranian Alliance – 2009
Syrian Foreign Policy under Bashar al-Asad – 2009
The Ba’th Party in Post-Ba’thist Syria: President, Party and the Struggle for ‘Reform’ – 2011
Syria: from ‘authoritarian upgrading’ to revolution? – 2012
2014 – ثلاث سنوات على الأزمة السورية
The Multiple Layers of the Syrian Crisis – 2014
Historical Dictionary of Syria, co-authored with David Commins, Scarecrow Press (imprint of Rowan and Littlefield), 2014
“Independence to Dictatorship: Politics and Foreign Policy in Syria, 1946-1970,” in a special edition of the French journal, Vingtieme Siecle, Paris, 2014
“A Path to Peace in Syria,” Foreign Policy, July 2, 2014,
Obstacles to a Resolution of the Syrian Conflict, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs Press (Oslo), 2013
Question and Answer Matrix: The Harvard-NUPI-Trinity Syria Research Project (editor), Norwegian Institute for International Affairs Press (Oslo), 2013
“Reliable Enemy? Syria and the United States under Bashar al-Asad,” in Sir Lawrence Freedman and Jeffrey H. Michaels, co-editors, Scripting Middle East Leaders: Anglo-American Perceptions of Middle East Adversaries (London: Continuum, 2013).
10/13 National Council on US-Arab Relations Policymakers Conference, Washington, DC; paper: “Moving Forward in Syria by Looking Back”
“Obama has given Assad a voice in the debate,” The Financial Times, September 10, 2013.
“Will Syria War Mean End of Sykes-Picot?” Al-Monitor, August 12, 2013.
“The Unknown Future of Syria,” Mediterranean Politics, March 15, 2013.
“The Uprising That Wasn’t Supposed to Happen: Syria and the Arab Spring,” in David W. Lesch and Mark Haas, editors, The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (Westview Press, 2012), pp. 67-84.
“Prudence Suggests Staying Out of Syria,” Current History, November 2012, pp. 299-305.
10/12 National Council on US-Arab Relations Policymakers Conference, Washington, DC; paper: “The Syrian Crisis and the Future of the Middle East”
“The Bashar al-Assad I Know,”, August 28, 2012,
“Why Syria Could Get Even Uglier,”, July 19, 2012,
“The Golden Runaway,” Foreign Policy, July 12, 2012,
“The World According to Bashar,” The Boston Globe (Ideas Section), June 17, 2012, p. C1-2.
5/12 UCLA; conference: Papers in Honor of E. Roger Owen; paper: “The Hope to the Tyrant: The Corruption of Bashar al-Asad and the Syrian System”
Syria: The Fall of the House of Assad, Yale University Press, 2012 (updated paperback edition published summer 2013)
“The World According to Bashar al-Asad,” Orient, Summer 2012, pp. 35-45.
“The Arab Spring—and Winter—in Syria,” Global Change, Peace and Security, Volume 23, Number 3, October 2011, pp. 421-428
“The Conceptual Gap between Syria and the United States,” Foreign Policy, August 17, 2011,
“Five Questions for David Lesch: How the Stalemate in Syria Will Finally Break Down,” Business Insider, July 11, 2011
“What Could Shake Syria’s Regime,”, June 16, 2011.
“Inside Assad’s paranoid mind: How the Syrian regime’s psyche has fueled a brutal crackdown,” New York Daily News, June 5, 2011, p. 32.
“Tear Down This Wall, President Assad,” Foreign Policy, May 23, 2011,
“Why Assad Will Rise Again—and Then Fall,” The Financial Times (London), May 10, 2011.
“Shock in Syria: The Messy and Unlikely Alternatives for Bashar,” May 4, 2011. Also appeared in, April 27, 2011
2/11 King’s College, London; conference: Anglo-American Perceptions of Middle East Leaders; paper: “The Asads and the United States: Reliable Enemies?”
“Last Chance for Syria’s Assad to Reform,” The Hill, April 5, 2011.
“Is Syria Different?” and, April 3, 2011.
“What is Missing or Exaggerated in News of the Uprising?” and, April 1, 2011.
“Will the Opposition be Successful?” and, March 31, 2011.
“The Syrian President I Know,” The New York Times, March 30, 2011, p. A27.
“Ahead of the Curve in Syria,”, March 26, 2011.
Forward Magazine (Damascus, Syria), “Unassimilated,” February 2011, p. 58; also published as “A Man’s last act of despair sparks protest in the Arab world,” in The Trinitonian, Volume 108, Issue 19, February 11, 2011.
1/11 University of Arkansas, King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies; conference: Asad’s Syria: Continuity and Change in the First Ten Years; paper: “Bashar al-Asad’s First Ten Years: Growing into Power”
“The Reality of Legacy: U.S.-Syrian Relations Since 1992,” in David W. Lesch and Mark Haas, editors, The Middle East and the United States: History, Politics and Ideologies (Westview Press, 2011), pp. 294-312.
“Playing With Fire: Syria and the 1967 Arab-Israeli War,” in Retrospective and Reassessment of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War edited by Avi Shlaim and William Roger Louis (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
“Syria and Lebanon: The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same,” Issue II, November 2010, Near East Quarterly
“The Evolution of Bashar al-Assad,” Middle East Policy, Volume XVII, Number 2, Summer 2010, pp. 70-81.
7/10 Pentagon, Washington, DC; conference: Center for Naval Analysis on the Levant; paper: “Change in Syria under Bashar al-Assad”
4/10 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; conference: The Middle East in the 1950s– Historical Perspectives: Israel, the Arab World, and the Great Powers; paper: “Crossroads of Cold Wars: Syria in the 1950s”
“Walking a Fine Line: Foreign Fighters and Syria,” Foreign Fighters, Sovereignty, and Counter-Terrorism: Selected Essays, Foreign Policy Research Institute, January 2010, pp. 57-71.
The Oxford Business Group Report: Syria 2010, “The Pendulum Keeps Swinging: Syrian-U.S. Relations,” 2010.
10/09 St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, England; conference: Retrospective and Reassessment of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War; paper: “Playing With Fire: Syria and the 1967 Arab-Israeli War”
7/09 The National Press Club, Washington, DC; conference: The Foreign Fighter Problem, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute; paper: “Walking a Fine Line: Foreign Fighters and Syria”
6/09 Tel Aviv University, Israel, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, The Joseph Strelitz Lecture; paper: “The Evolution of Bashar al-Asad”
3/09 Paris, France, Forum du Futur Transatlantic Dialogue on the Levant; conference sponsored by the Center for Naval Analysis and Forum du Futur; paper: “Syria: Managing the Relationship”
Syrian Foreign Policy and the United States: From Bush to Obama, Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2009, co-authored with Raymond Hinnebusch
Forward Magazine (Damascus, Syria), “Listening on Syria,” November 2008, p. 56.
“Syria,” in Countries at the Crossroads 2007: A Survey of Democratic Governance, Freedom House (New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008), pp. 619-642.
“Missed Opportunities: Cooperation and Confrontation in the U.S.-Syrian Relationship,” The Century Foundation White Paper, Prospects for Peace Initiative, September 2007. This article is reprinted with permission—and updated—as a chapter in Handbook of US-Middle East Relations edited by Robert Looney (Routledge, pp. 324-342).
9/07 The Century Foundation, Washington, DC (Rayburn House Building); paper, “Missed Opportunities: Cooperation and Confrontation in the U.S.-Syrian Relationship”; this paper was delivered the next day in New York City at the United Nations in a closed-door session to UN diplomats, sponsored by The Century Foundation.
Forward Magazine (Damascus, Syria), “The Evolution of President Bashar al-Assad and his Relationship with the United States,” Issue 5, June 2007, pp. 28-33.
“Assessing Repression in Syria,” in Winning the Prize for Repression: Who are the Real Rogue States, edited by Robert Rotberg (Brookings Institution Press, 2007), pp. 269-299.
“Syrian Arab Republic,” in The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, edited by David E. Long, Bernard Reich, and Mark Gasiorowski (Westview Press, 2007), pp. 259-291 (Updated and revised version of this chapter published in 2010).
The Washington Post, “Try Talking to Syria,” July 27, 2006.
5/06 Syrian-American Congress 1st Annual Conference, Chicago, conference title, “The Syrian-American Role in Supporting Reforms in Syria”; paper: “The Presidency of Bashar al-Asad and the Scope of Change”
The New Lion of Damascus: Bashar al-Asad and Modern Syria, Yale University Press
“Is Syria a Rogue State?” Global Issues (in Arabic), this is an abridged and revised version (7000 words) of “Assessing Repression in Syria” chapter listed below, January/February 2005.
“Syria,” in Countries at the Crossroads 2005: A Survey of Democratic Governance, edited by Sarah Repucci and Christopher Walker, Freedom House (New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005), pp. 533-550.
10/04 Kennedy School, Harvard University, conference entitled, “Winning the Prize for Repression: Who are the Real Rogue States?”; paper: “Is Syria a Rogue State?”
4/02 Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas; Middle East symposium; paper: “Steadfastness, Legacy, and Strategic Cooperation: The Push and Pull of Syrian Foreign Policy and Economic Realities”
“Flanks, Balances, and Withdrawals: Syrian Foreign Policy in the Middle East Since 1979,” in The Middle East Enters the 21st Century: The Legacy of the Past and Promise for the Future, edited by Robert O. Freedman, University Press of Florida, 2002, pp. 177-206.
11/00 The Baltimore Hebrew University, conference entitled, “The Middle East Enters the 21st Century”; paper: Flanks, Balances, and Withdrawals: The Parameters of Syrian Policy in the Middle East Since the 1979 Egyptian‑Israeli Peace Treaty
San Antonio Express‑News, “Will Rule Change Younger Assad?” June 14, 2000
“Is Syria Ready for Peace? Obstacles to Integration in the Global Economy,” Middle East Policy, Vol. VI, No. 3, February 1999, pp. 93-111. A version of this was published as a chapter, “History and Political Culture in Syria After the Gulf War,” in Modern Syria: From Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East edited by Moshe Maoz, Joseph Ginat, and Onn Winckler, Sussex Academic Press, 2000, pp. 57-78.
“History and Political Culture in Syria: Obstacles to Integration in the Global Economy After the Gulf War,” in Modern Syria: From Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East, edited by Moshe Maoz, Joseph Ginat, and Onn Winckler (London: Sussex Academic Press, 2000), pp. 57-78.
“What Happened to the Syrian Track?,” Texas Committee on U.S.‑Arab Relations Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 1999
12/98 Middle East Studies Association annual conference, Chicago; paper: Is Syria Ready for Peace with Israel?
“Business in Syria: Is it a Cup Half Empty or Half Full?,” Texas Committee on U.S.‑Arab Relations Newsletter, vol. 9, no. 2, Spring 1998
“When the Relationship Went Sour: Syria and the Eisenhower Administration,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 1, Winter 1998, pp. 92-107. A revised version was republished as a chapter, “La Siria e l’Amministrazione Eisenhower. L’inizio di una Relazione Antagonistica,” in Ombre di Guerra Fredda: Gli Stati Uniti nel Medio Oriente durante gli anni di Eisenhower (1953-1961) edited by Antonio Donno (Lecce, Italy: University of Lecce Press, 1998), pp. 285-306. Under the same title, this article was also published in The Cold War, edited by Lori Lyn Bogle (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2001), Volume VII, pp. 148-164.
11/97 International Conference (“The Middle East Crossroads”) at the University of Haifa, Israel; paper: The Political and Economic Dilemmas in Syria after the Gulf Crisis
6/97 World History Association annual conference, Pamplona, Spain; paper: History and Political Culture in Syria: The Heritage of Obstacles to Integration in the Global Economy
“Business in Syria: Is it a Cup Half‑Empty or Half‑Full?” Middle East Insight, Vol. XIII, No. 7, Summer 1997, pp. 10-17.
San Antonio Express‑News, “Syrian Threat to Israel Not as Reported,” November 11, 1996
The Christian Science Monitor, “Damascus Won’t Accept Peace at Any Price,” December 6, 1995 (reprinted in Texas Committee on U.S.‑Arab Relations Newsletter, June 1996)
San Antonio Express‑News, “Syria Dealing Set Middle East Fight,” April 26, 1996
“The American‑Syrian Crisis of 1957: Globalist Policy in a Regional Reality,” in The United States and the Middle East: A Historical and Political Reassessment, Westview Press, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, pp. 106-121.
6/94 Society for the Historians of American Foreign Relations annual conference, Boston; paper: The American‑Syrian Crisis of 1957: Globalist Policy in a Regional Reality
4/94 International Studies Association regional conference, San Antonio; paper: The Cold War in the Middle East: The United States and Syria, 1953‑1957
2/94 The United States in the Middle East, conference at Trinity University, San Antonio; paper: The American‑Syrian Crisis of 1957: Globalist Policy in a Regional Reality
2/93 Texas Association for Middle Eastern Studies annual conference, Trinity University, San Antonio; paper: Taking Arab Nationalism Seriously: The United States and Syria in the 1950s
Syria and the United States: Eisenhower’s Cold War in the Middle East, Westview Press, 1992.
“The Saudi Role in the 1957 American‑Syrian Crisis,” Middle East Policy, vol. l, no. 3, 1992, pp. 33-48.
Sunni Clergy Politics in the Cities of Ba‘thi Syria – 2009Syria: Old-Timers and Newcomers – May 20, 2011
The Role of the Mosque in the Syrian Revolution – March 20, 2012
Syrian Regime Loses Last Credible Ally among the Sunni Ulama, – March 22nd, 2013
New Texts Out Now: Thomas Pierret, Religion and State in Syria – June 12, 2013
Implementing ‘Sharia’ in Syria’s Liberated Provinces – August 7, 2013
External support and the Syrian insurgency – August 9, 2013
The Reluctant Sectarianism of Foreign States in the Syrian Conflict – November 18, 2013
Russia’s Friendship with Syria Casts Familiar Gloom Over Geneva Peace Talk – November 22, 2013
The Syrian Baath Party and Sunni Islam: Conflicts and Connivance – February 2014
No Stability in Syria Without Political Change – February 12, 2014
The Syrian Islamic Council – May 13, 2014
The Struggle for Religious Authority in Syria – May 14, 2014
PapersThe Syrian Opposition’s Leadership Problem
Syria’s Age of Revolution: Peaceful Protest to Armed Struggle
Articles and op-eds
Syria’s Very Local Regional Conflict
Is the Armed Rebellion in Syria on the Wane?
The Syrian Opposition’s Bleak Outlook
The Assad Regime: Winning on Points
A Melancholy Perspective on Syria
Syria’s Spring Offensives and the Death of Diplomacy
Geneva II: Avoiding a Death Foretold, Part I
Geneva II: Avoiding a Death Foretold, Part II
Uncertain Future for the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s Political Party
What Will the Friends of Syria Do After Arming Syria’s Rebels?
Syria’s Strategic Balance at a Tipping Point
What Does the U.S. Expect From the International Conference on Syria?
Endgame for the Syrian National Coalition
The Friends of Syria’s Credibility Gap
What Does Bashar al-Assad Want?
The Syrian Opposition’s Very Provisional Government
Can the National Coalition Lead Syria?
Syria’s Kurds Must Seek Regional Cooperation
Is the Syrian Regime’s Fall Imminent—Again?
The Syrian Opposition at the Crossroads
The Coming Tests of the Syrian Opposition
The Syrian National Council Wins Recognition Abroad, But May Lose Out at Home